Ros McMullen MBA NPQH

Ros is the Senior Consultant at RMCeducation. She is an experienced headteacher, academy principal, MAT executive principal and CEO. She established one of the first academies in the north of England.  Her leadership has been judged ‘outstanding’ by OFSTED and she has worked as a National Leader in Education supporting both primary and secondary schools.  In 2019 she was presented with the Special Recognition Award from Forum Strategy by Tony Blair.

Ros serves as a founding member of the ThinkTank @HeadsRoundtable and she was a Director of the influential Independent Academies Association (IAA) from 2005-15, chairing it from 2006-8. She writes and blogs regularly on educational issues.

Ros is able to support organisations in a variety of ways including

·         Coaching and mentoring headteachers, principals, and executive leaders

·         Strategic planning, particularly in staffing and curriculum

·         Developing organisational vision, communication and growth

·         Project management

·         Senior recruitment and performance management

Our Associates

RMCeducation's specialist in the special school sector is experienced headteacher Peter Crockett. Peter offers headteacher and senior staff mentoring in special, primary and secondary settings. He has recently developed a package of school leadership supervision which sits outside of performance management, and assists headteachers and governing bodies in maximising the effectiveness of senior staff.

Anne Harasymiw is an highly experienced HR Consultant who previously worked at a senior level in the Public Sector & was the lead professional for the Casework and Advisory Team and managed the HR Customer Service Centre.

Currently she provides HR Consultancy services to small businesses, MATs, academies, schools and Public sector organisations. Developing and redesigning employment policies/procedures to support the achievement of their strategic aims and people plans, whilst ensuring that they comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

Anna provides expert high-quality HR advice to assist in resolving individual employment cases and employee relations issues. She has a positive relationship with the professional associations and Trade Unions and support/ lead trade Union consultation and negotiations for clients.

Anna will deal with  MAT, Academy conversions, TUPE transfers and support in undertaking the due diligence process; providing advice in relation to  all aspects of  organisation redesign and redundancy.Having managed the HR Customer Service centre for a large Metropolitan Borough Council she is able to provide practical advice in relation to transactional services including Resourcing, Payroll, Pay and Reward, HR Administration, Systems and Management information.